Thursday, June 17, 2010

Going for it - Small Town Home Cook

I love love watching Food Networks "The Next Food Network Star".  It is so inspiring to see real cooks on the show.  By real I mean the ones that learned from traditions passed on by generations not from some fancy school.  Now I am not by any means knocking cooking schools.  I would love to attend one myself to get a better grasp on some of the less commonly used cooking skills and how to cut veggies like a pro.  No, I just like seeing someone like myself become something just because of what they love to do....cook for their family and friends. 

I have decided that I would like to get on the road to becoming someone the Food Network might pick for this show.  I sat down the other night and came up with several things I believed I would need to work on to accomplish this goal.  Here they are in no particular order:

  1. Purchase more fresh fruits, veggies and meats.  I rely to much sometimes on processed, frozen and pre-packaged meals.  I enjoy cooking and it's about time I did more of it.
  2. Work on my speaking skills.  Anyone who knows me well knows I can talk and talk.  That's problem number one, I don't always know when to stop and tend to over share as a result.  Problem number two is a tongue twister, literally.  I think faster than I speak and sometimes I change thoughts, or think of a different word to use and end up creating new words, or going off topic.
  3. Start creating my own recipes rather than using others.  I already do this to some extent.  Many of my concoctions are rather good, but I never write them down so it is hard to duplicate them later.  That does not mean I will stop altering recipes but it does mean you will start to see more original content on this blog.
  4. Become popular.  This is a laugh but many of the contestants this year list their professions as a "food blogger".  Now I haven't googled them yet to see what they blog about, whether it's their own food, others food, restaurants or what. They can cook and cook really well so I imagine it's about their own food and with this blog I am on the right path, just have to keep things interesting,  up beat and up to date.
  5. Keep it simple.  That's my philosophy.  Every Food Network host has a food point of view and with this I have come up with, "Small Town Home Cook" the new title of my blog.  I'll focus only on foods that I can purchase from my local grocer.  Some weeks my feature the obscure but that will be because my grocer has decided to feature it as well.  Part of being a small town home cook should involve fresh garden vegetables and as those grow I'll be looking forward to using them.
I hope you all enjoy the new path I am on.  Now I don't know if I will ever put in an application to the ""Next Food Network Star" but I do hope that this brings a whole new take on my food journey.  Let me cook.



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